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NTC Thermistor Element Resistance Can Be to Higher Temperature and Lower Temperature Performance
Publisher : admin Release Time : 2018/03/28 04:03:02

NTC Thermistor Element Resistance Can Be to Higher Temperature and Lower Temperature Performance.

As a sensitive element type thermistor is according to different divided into positive temperature coefficient thermistor temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.

NTC Thermistor is mostly used in our dairly life for temperature measurement.

The features:

1.High sensitivity, the resistance of temperature coefficient is more than 10 ~ 100 times larger than metal, it can detect the 10-6 ℃ temperature change;

2.Small size can measurement other thermometer, cavity, and the gap in blood vessels of the body temperature;

3.High stability.

The NTC thermistor of temprature range normaly is -40-125degC, and Because currently the car temperature testing requirements is for high temperature 150-200 degc, so now our factory had successful research high remperature and low temperature to -100-200degC. And application for automobile. 

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